What is quantum work?
- Based on quantum physics
- QDAM (Quantum Divine and More; i.e. the technique I use) is basically a state of consciousness
- Everyone is energy with consciousness and information (like everything we know or don’t know)
- Atoms = 99.999999999% nothing
- Rest electrons, neutrons and protons = 99.999999999% nothing
- Rest of quarks (plural of quanta) = 99.999999999% nothing
- -> Matter consists of 0.000000001% nothing and is therefore almost never there
- => Quantum work works with the 0.000000001%
- Everything consists of vibration
- Life would not be possible without vibration
- Atom = vibrating, energized, information-bearing something
- -> Low vibration adapts to high vibration, or goes (e.g. out of the room etc.)
- => You are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with the most. – Jim Rohn
Quantum work: the power of energy and information
Quantum work is a fascinating method based on the findings of quantum physics. It shows us that all life (matter) around us is made up of atoms. But what exactly does that mean?
Atoms are the building blocks of our universe. Interestingly, they consist of 99.999999999 % nothing. The tiny remainder is made up of electrons, neutrons and protons, and even these particles in turn consist almost entirely of nothing. The smallest known component is quarks (plural of quanta), which also consist of 99.999999999 % nothing.
What does this mean for us? Quite simply: matter consists of 99.999999999 % energy and information and only 0.000000001 % solid mass. This means that we humans are basically nothing more than energy and information.
Everything is vibration
Vibration is the key to life. Without it, our world would be inconceivable. Even the chair you may be sitting on right now is both there and not there at the same time. You can sit on it because its vibration is so dense and high that it has a stable effect. If the chair is made of wood, it has a natural vibration. This is because all living things, whether plants, animals or people, have their own energetic frequency.
At its core, an atom is a vibrating, energy-charged and information-bearing something. Interestingly, low vibrations adapt to high vibrations, or they leave. Imagine this: Someone with a low vibration enters a room where a high vibrational person is. Either the low vibration adapts to the higher vibration, or the person leaves the room again.
This also explains why we are the average of the five people we surround ourselves with the most (according to Jim Rohn). Our vibration is influenced by our environment and vice versa.
QDAM (Quantum Divine and more):
QDAM is more than just a method – it is a mindset. It uses the principles of quantum physics to influence energy and information in a targeted way. Through QDAM you learn to raise your vibration and connect with the power of the universe.
Want to learn more about the transformative power of quantum work? Discover how QDAM can help you take your life to a new level.
- Raise your vibration: Get in tune with the energies of the universe.
- Change your consciousness: Realize that you are more than just matter – you are energy and information.
- Influence your environment: Become a positive source of inspiration in your life and for others.
Are you ready to take the first step into a new dimension of your being? Then book your personal appointment with me for quantum work.