What animal communication can do


  • Farewell, Clarity & Consolation
  • Conveying messages
  • Insights into the emotional life of the animal and its wishes / needs
  • Promoting mutual trust
  • Help with blockages
  • Clarifying and harmonizing conflicts
  • Finding solutions
    Recognizing mirror issues
  • Strengthening the human-animal relationship
  • Detecting and understanding the causes of behavioral problems / changes
  • Preparation for upcoming changes

Important: Everything in addition to veterinary treatment!


What animal communication can do

Animal communication is a fascinating tool that can help you to better understand your pet’s needs, feelings and thoughts. In the short version you have already seen some examples – here you can find out more about how animal communication can help you and your pet.

1. farewell, clarity & comfort

Animal communication can also help to provide clarity and comfort when it’s time to say goodbye. You can say everything that is close to your heart before your beloved animal goes to Rainbow Land.
(Note: This does not replace veterinary or veterinary care and is not an end-of-life care).
Think of it this way: When a person passes away, we often want to talk to them one last time. This is also possible with your animal and even beyond, because animal communication also works with deceased animals.

2. transmitting messages

The most classic form of animal communication is the transmission of messages. Whether your animal wants to tell you something or you want to send your animal a message, animal communication creates a bridge between you.

3. insights into the emotional life of the animal and its wishes / needs

Would you like to know how your animal is feeling or what it wants? Animal communication allows you to immerse yourself in your pet’s emotional world. Be it through direct questions or by intuitively sensing its needs.

4. promoting mutual trust

Sometimes animals have experiences from their past that shape their behavior. Through animal communication, you can find out what your animal has been through and together you can find ways to strengthen your trust. For example, an animal that used to live in a small cage promises its new owner not to run away and the owner promises more space in return.

5. help with blockages

Just like us, animals can have blockages that affect their well-being. Through animal communication, these blockages can be tracked down and resolved, for example through methods such as  surrogate hypnosis for an animal or quantum work.

6. clarifying and harmonizing conflicts

Why is your pet suddenly refusing to eat? Or why has it stopped scratching the scratching post and is now scratching the couch? Animal communication helps to find the causes of such changes in behavior and to develop solutions. An example: A cat refused to eat because the new food bowl was a different color. After replacing it with a new bowl, which was the same as the old one, everything was fine again.

7. finding solutions

Sometimes it only takes a small change to solve a problem. In animal communication, your pet can make suggestions about how you can find a solution together. As in the case of a cat that found the sisal on the scratching post unpleasant. After it was changed, everything was fine again.

8. recognize mirror themes

Animals often unconsciously mirror the problems of their owners. If you are stressed, for example, this can be reflected in your pet. An example: You have broken your foot, which is why you now have to walk with crutches and on one foot. Your cat notices this and starts to limp. The vet can’t find anything wrong, but animal communication reveals that your cat is mirroring you. Incidentally, your pet is not mirroring you because it wants to annoy you. Quite the opposite! Your pet mirrors you because you are important to it. Through animal communication, I can recognize mirror issues and we can find a suitable solution together.

9. strengthen the human-animal relationship

Clarify open questions, clear up misunderstandings and find solutions together. You can ask your animal open questions, but your animal can also ask you questions via animal communication. All of this strengthens the relationship between you and your pet. Animal communication creates a deeper connection and more harmony in your life together.

Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu Magie mit Worten - Larissa Lang