Prejudices, myths, beliefs - Myth vs. Fact

Short version:

To better understand the individual myths, read the respective texts in detail.

Hypnotic gaze (like Mowgli’s snake Ka from the Jungle Book):

Movies and TV… It doesn’t exist in real life. (But you can do an induction in a similar way -> mirror neurons are used)

Hypnosis necessarily requires a pendulum or a pocket watch:

Hypnosis also works without a pendulum or pocket watch (it is mostly used for show purposes to live up to the cliché, i.e. for fun)

Telling secrets:

If you would tell me without hypnosis, yes, otherwise not. You can also lie or deliberately conceal something in hypnosis.

Being without will:

No, you are always in control and with hypnosis even more so (by accessing your subconscious etc.)


Nope, manipulation can be found in magic, physiotherapy, etc. Nothing is manipulated in hypnosis…

Being away:

You are not asleep or fainting, you just have your eyes closed and may feel (hypnosis feels different for everyone) a little different than usual (I can tell if you are really in hypnosis or just playing it… 😉)

No memory of what happened:

You can remember everything if you want (yes, there is the forgetting suggestion in show hypnosis, but it is always limited in time and the person allows it)

Getting stuck:

Self-selected state into which you have brought yourself (with the help and guidance of the hypnotist), therefore you could also end it yourself (interrupt focused attention) + In the entire history of hypnosis, no one has ever gotten stuck (if you want to know where this prejudice comes from, you can do that in the long part -> just scroll down)

Hypnosis is magic or supernatural:

No, it is not. It is neither magic nor something supernatural. It has been scientifically examined and proven several times that it can help:  hypnosis works


Hypnosis also has nothing to do with the occultism. This assumption comes from the portrayal of hypnosis in films and television. However, this often does not correspond to reality.

Under hypnosis:

You are not UNDER hypnosis, but IN hypnosis. Under = NO control (you have even more control with hypnosis than without) and in = in a relaxation (you don’t say I’m under a relaxation)

Hypnosis is dangerous:

How dangerous is communication? Hypnosis is just as “dangerous” as communication… However, if you have no idea what you are doing, then hypnosis can be “dangerous” ->  “Dangers” and contraindications.

Evoking false memories:

Yes, it is possible, but this is only the case if you are poorly trained and don’t know what to look for when asking questions. (right: Ask open questions, wrong: closed questions. Example: Open question: Where are you? Closed question: Is it raining or is the sun shining? -> Cloudy, snow etc. is therefore not an answer). Incidentally, I learned in my trainings which questions to ask and how etc.

Only weak / easily influenced people can be hypnotised:

No, that is not the case. In principle, anyone who wants to can be hypnotised.

Hypnosis is only for psychological problems:

No, it can also help with physical problems, as most of these are related to the psyche (Psychosomatics). Acute treatment with hypnosis is also possible under certain circumstances (-> emergency hypnosis; e.g. to reduce swelling, pain, bleeding etc. => please only with a doctor).

PS: If you do not want to do something, please tell me (also during hypnosis), this is the only way I can react.


Hypnotic gaze: Myth vs. reality

Have you ever seen the snake Kaa from The Jungle Book? Her hypnotic gaze is legendary, but of course purely fictional! In reality, there are no eyes that turn like Kaa’s. Hypnosis doesn’t work with magical gazes either, but only with your consent. You are always in control.

If you’ve ever experienced something like this in real life (and not just on TV), be sure to let me know! 😊

Does hypnosis need a pendulum or a pocket watch?

No, definitely not! The idea that hypnosis always requires a pendulum or a pocket watch comes from old movies. Nowadays, most hypnotists use more modern and effective methods.

I do not use a pendulum in my coaching. Unless you specifically request it.

Telling secrets under hypnosis?

“Would you tell me your secret without hypnosis?” If the answer is no, then you won’t do it under hypnosis either. Hypnosis even gives you more control over yourself – you can lie or consciously withhold information.

Our “gatekeeper”, technically known as the “critical factor”, checks everything that happens during hypnosis. If a suggestion does not suit you, it is simply rejected. Hypnosis therefore strengthens your self-determination instead of restricting it.

Unwilling under hypnosis? A myth!

Hypnosis is like a driving lesson: the driving instructor gives instructions, but you are in control of the wheel. If you decide not to listen to the instructions, the driving instructor can only intervene to a limited extent. It’s the same during hypnosis. You are always in control.

If you follow the instructions, you can achieve great results. If you decide not to, the hypnosis will have no effect. So you have the power, not me (as the hypnotist).

Manipulation? No, thank you!

Hypnosis is not manipulation. If you want to experience manipulation, go to a magic show or physiotherapy instead 😉. In hypnosis, you retain full control. You alone decide what you allow.

We are manipulated every day. Through the media, advertising and our environment. But in hypnosis, you decide what you accept and what you don’t.

Am I “gone” under hypnosis?

No, you are neither unconscious nor asleep. Hypnosis feels different for everyone. Some describe it as deep relaxation, others as clear focus. The word “sleep” is often used as a signal word, but has nothing to do with sleep at night.

Memory gaps after hypnosis?

In show hypnosis, it is sometimes suggested that you don’t remember the hypnosis. However, this is temporary and only works if you allow it to. As a rule, you remember everything.

Can you get “stuck” in hypnosis?

No, that’s a myth! In the entire history of hypnosis, no one has ever got “stuck”.

This myth comes from the time when a show hypnotist had a participant go into the Esdaile State (named after the British doctor James Esdaile) on stage. This is very deep hypnosis.

Normally you work in so-called somnambulism, which is also the depth of work on stage and usually also in a coaching session.

At the end of the show, the show hypnotist let the participants emerge from hypnosis, only one of the participants did not seem to come back. The show hypnotist had no idea about the Esdaile State at the time, which is why the police and an ambulance arrived. The police questioned the show hypnotist in detail as to why this man did not emerge from hypnosis. The participant emerged from the hypnosis after some time. He was very surprised at all the commotion, as he thought that he had come back immediately after the show hypnotist had ended the hypnosis for everyone. The show hypnotist was detained by the police until the participant emerged from the hypnosis.

At this point, everyone understandably thought that the participant was stuck in hypnosis, which of course is not the case. The delayed emergence from hypnosis is due to the fact that the perception of time is (generally) different in hypnosis. You also feel so comfortable in Esdaile because you can forget everything around you. That’s why some clients (once they are in Esdaile) don’t want to go back to the here and now so quickly and easily.

Don’t worry, nowadays we as hypnotists (if we have learned this in training) know how to deal with the situation. It is definitely not common for someone to go into the Esdaile state just like that and without the guidance of the hypnotist.

PS: I learned in my training courses what the signs of the Esdaile state are and how to get someone out of it.

Is hypnosis magic, supernatural or occult?

No, hypnosis is neither magic nor something supernatural, nor is it occultism. It is a scientifically recognized method that has been proven to help. If you want to find out more about it, take a look at the reports on  Hypnosis works.

Under hypnosis:

You are not UNDER hypnosis, but IN hypnosis. Under = NO control (you have even more control with hypnosis than without, as hypnosis gives you access to your subconscious etc.) and in = in a state of relaxation (you don’t say I’m under a state of relaxation).

Is hypnosis dangerous?

Hypnosis is as dangerous as communication. You can do a lot of good with words, but you can also do harm. Hypnosis is a tool, and as with any tool, it depends on who is using it. In professional hands, hypnosis is safe and effective. However, there are contraindications that speak against hypnosis. You can find out what these are under  “Dangers” and contraindications.

False memories through hypnosis?

This can only happen if the hypnotist is poorly trained. I have learned how to ask the right questions and make sure that no false memories are created. So you can be sure that I do everything carefully.

Only weak people can be hypnotized?

Wrong! Anyone who wants to can be hypnotized.

Hypnosis only for psychological problems?

No, hypnosis can also help with physical complaints, especially if they are psychosomatic. In the case of acute injuries such as a circular saw wound, you obviously need immediate medical help. But hypnosis can help to alleviate pain or swelling after medical treatment. Of course, this should all be supervised by a doctor.

Do you have any questions or want to find out more?

Hypnosis is a fascinating tool that can support you to realize your full potential. If you are ready to embrace it, please get in touch with me. Together we will find out how hypnosis can support you.

Your success starts with the first step.

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