How does quantum work work?


Very good! 😉

Just kidding!

  • Difficult to describe, so please watch the video ( More Videos where I demonstrate the quantum work )
  • Technique shown in the video: slide controls (what I do behind Etienne’s back)
  • The reaction to the collapse of the quantum wave is to sway (forwards or backwards) with e.g. falling over or lunging backwards

To really understand how the quantum work works, please read the text I wrote by long.

Quantum work in action


How quantum work works – insight into the slider technique

The video you saw was filmed by a colleague during a seminar. It shows one of the techniques I learned there from Etienne – and which I apply directly in the video. Quantum work is hard to put into words, especially because it is so unique and fascinating. So just watch this short video to get an insight into quantum work.

In the video I use the slider technique. One of several methods I learned in the seminar. If you watch the video, you will already understand the basics of how quantum work works. You will see how the body reacts to quantum work – for example by swaying or lunging. These reactions occur when a quantum wave collapses (as it is called in technical jargon).

How you can imagine quantum work

Imagine you are standing in front of a light switch. As long as you just put your fingers on it, nothing happens. But as soon as you press the switch, the light comes on and you immediately see the reaction. With some lamps, however, it takes a few minutes for them to reach their full brightness. It’s the same with quantum work:

  • Pressing the light switch corresponds to the moment when the quantum wave collapses, i.e. is triggered.
  • The light bulb turning on is the reaction to this collapse, such as the swaying or the lunge.
  • The full brightness of the lamp represents the noticeable changes that occur after the quantum work.

Changes take time

After the quantum wave has collapsed, the process of change begins. Sometimes you feel the effect immediately, sometimes it takes minutes, hours, days or even weeks and months before you notice the full effect. Often it is even other people around you who tell you: “You’ve changed!” because the changes sometimes occur so gently and naturally that you hardly notice them yourself.

Why quantum work?

Tangible changes: Experience how your body and consciousness respond to quantum work.
Simple and effective: The techniques are easy to learn and yet incredibly effective.
Long-term effect: The changes can be felt immediately or unfold over weeks.
Are you ready to experience the power of quantum work for yourself? Then book an appointment with me or if you would like to learn quantum work yourself, you can also secure a place on the next quantum seminar.

PS: I take part in some quantum seminars and support Etienne (the instructor). If you are unsure whether I will be there, just ask. Either directly with Etienne or ask me 😉 I’m looking forward to it!

Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu Magie mit Worten - Larissa Lang