Surrogate work for an animal


  • For unexplained physical issues (previously clarified by a veterinarian and / or veterinary practitioner)
  • For behavioural problems (previously clarified)
  • For other problems
  • Implementation by Simpson protocol (hypnosis)
  • Works great because you as the owner have a very strong bond with your pet


Surrogate work for animals is something very special for me.

Surrogate work can be used for unexplained physical issues (which have been previously clarified by a veterinarian and / or veterinary practitioner), for behavioural problems (which have been previously clarified) and for other problems.

This involves working with surrogate hypnosis for animals (using the Simpson protocol -> hypnosis). This works really well because you as the owner have a very strong bond with your animal.

It is best if an  animal communication (living animal) has taken place beforehand

ONLY possible with living animals!

Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu Magie mit Worten - Larissa Lang