Spiritual Hypnosis - More than just past lives
Please choose a subcategory:
- More than just past lives
- Classical regression = past lives
- Spiritual hypnosis = womb, past lives, death scene, interlife (bardo stadium), soul guide, council of the wise etc. ( What is done during a spiritual hypnosis session? )
- Divided into 2 sessions, as everything together would take too long for one session, therefore exhausting for you as a client and me as a hypnotist + many impressions at once
Possible things you can do during spiritual hypnosis
(Not everything is always done or can always be done!)
- Journey into positive childhood memory(s)
- Womb
- Soul guide
- Past life and various scenes from this past life
- Death scene
- Bardo (intermediate life)
- Asking (life) questions and receive messages
- Council of the wise
- Soul family / soul cluster (recognizing people from the present life)
- Library
- Life choice room
- Other things / activities
You can read more about this in the long version (you can find this on the page; click on the button above the text).
- The basic procedure is the same as “normal” hypnosis
- Difference: Instead of “work” the following things could be written ( What is done during a spiritual hypnosis session? )
- Preliminary talk
- Induction
- Deepening
- Interesting Spiritual Hypnosis Stuff 😉 -> So this one ( What is done during a spiritual hypnosis session? )
- Exduction
First session:
- Preparation
- Preliminary talk
- Childhood memory(s)
- Womb
- Soul guide
- Past life (2 – 4 “pieces”) with scenes
- (Follow-up discussion)
Second session:
- (Debriefing first session)
- One past life
- Death scene
- Bardo stage (intermediate life)
- Asking (life) questions
- Other activities?
- (Follow-up discussion)