Spiritual Hypnosis - More than just past lives

Please choose a subcategory:

  • More than just past lives
  • Divided into 2 sessions, as everything together would take too long for one session, therefore exhausting for you as a client and me as a hypnotist + many impressions at once

Possible things you can do during spiritual hypnosis
(Not everything is always done or can always be done!)

  1. Journey into positive childhood memory(s)
  2. Womb
  3. Soul guide
  4. Past life and various scenes from this past life
  5. Death scene
  6. Bardo (intermediate life)
  7. Asking (life) questions and receive messages
  8. Council of the wise
  9. Soul family / soul cluster (recognizing people from the present life)
  10. Library
  11. Life choice room
  12. Other things / activities

You can read more about this in the long version (you can find this on the page; click on the button above the text).

  1. Preliminary talk
  2. Induction
  3. Deepening
  4. Interesting Spiritual Hypnosis Stuff 😉 -> So this one ( What is done during a spiritual hypnosis session? )
  5. Exduction

First session:

  1. Preparation
  2. Preliminary talk
  3. Childhood memory(s)
  4. Womb
  5. Soul guide
  6. Past life (2 – 4 “pieces”) with scenes
  7. (Follow-up discussion)

Second session:

  1. (Debriefing first session)
  2. One past life
  3. Death scene
  4. Bardo stage (intermediate life)
  5. Asking (life) questions
  6. Other activities?
  7. (Follow-up discussion) 
Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu Magie mit Worten - Larissa Lang