Foundational Birthing


  • Gentle childbirth is not a myth, but a real possibility
  • Millions of women around the world experience gentle, simple and easy childbirth
  • You don’t know the opposite


  • More relaxed birth preparation
  • Pain-reduced birth
  • Pregnancy progression is positively supported by self-hypnosis and relaxation techniques
  • Hypnosis helps you to face birth more calmly
  • Birth is experienced more calmly and without fear
  • When the mother is relaxed, the child in the womb is also relaxed
  • Stress for the child is minimized
  • In many cases, birth is significantly shortened


  • University of Tübingen and the Westphalian Institute for Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy conducted a study on this topic
  • Birth took an average of two hours shorter for first-time mothers when prepared with hypnosis than for the control group
  • 80 percent of the control group stated that they had experienced “terrible pain” during childbirth
  • In the hypnosis group it was only 50 percent
  • Study leader Helga Hüsken-Jansen is convinced that practice makes perfect
  • Of course, a completely pain-free birth cannot be guaranteed and hypnosis does not replace a midwife, doctor or anything else (e.g. a doula or other birth attendant etc.)

Simpson Protocol Foundational Birthing:

  • SPFB (Simpson Protocol Foundational Birthing) is a specially developed program (by a midwife)
  • Includes a total of 5 sessions
  • More than just learning pain relief
  • Unhelpful beliefs can be dissolved
  • Special: the possibility of creating a connection between mother and child and the communication this makes possible
  • (Sounds strange at first, but from experience I can say that the child’s life begins shortly after conception)
Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu Magie mit Worten - Larissa Lang