Animal communication
Please choose a subcategory:
- Short AC
- Telepathic communication with animals
- Through thoughts / feelings / emotions / images
- Tele = distance (Greek)
- Pathos = feeling, experience, initiation (Greek)
- Consent of the owner
- Name of the animal (no nickname)
- Current picture of the animal (where it looks best into the camera and is fully visible)
- Specific and concise questions (no question in the question)
Very good! 😉
Just kidding!
Telepathically through:
- Images
- Thought
- Spoken words
- Information
- Etc.
- Not by making animal sounds at each other…
- Farewell, Clarity & Consolation
- Conveying messages
- Insights into the emotional life of the animal and its wishes / needs
- Promoting mutual trust
- Help with blockages
- Clarifying and harmonizing conflicts
- Finding solutions
Recognizing mirror issues - Strengthening the human-animal relationship
- Detecting and understanding the causes of behavioral problems / changes
- Preparation for upcoming changes
Important: Everything in addition to veterinary treatment!
- Replace veterinary or medical diagnostics and treatment
- Be purely an “educational measure”
- Restrict an animal’s free will
- Make promises of healing
- Making contact with other animals without the animal owner’s permission (except for wild animals)
- Ignore the animal’s refusal to make contact (or other interventions such as energetic harmonisation)
Animals can also lie (for their own protection):
- E.g. animal hurts paw
- Nothing visible on the outside
- Animal is afraid of the vet
- Therefore conceals pain
- When asked if it is in pain, it lies to avoid the vet
Mirror themes:
- The animal mirrors the owner’s behaviour (but the owner is not always aware of this)
- Animal keeps repeating a behaviour that was not there before
- Animal shows behavioural abnormalities