Worth knowing child hypnosis
- The Critical Factor (CF), which can distinguish reality from fiction, does not develop until around the age of 5 (-> constant hypnosis, i.e. words, sentences etc. that are said to the child act like suggestions… both positive and negative).
- From around the age of 12, the CF is fully mature
- Until the age of 13, the child is energetically connected to the mother (this is where mirror issues come from)
- Mirror issues -> (mostly unnoticed) issues of the parents, which the child then shows (which dissolve when the parents have addressed their issues)
Children do not develop the critical factor (CF) until around the age of five. This serves to distinguish reality from fiction. As children are in a permanent trance / permanent hypnosis up to this age, you should pay attention to your choice of words. (Yes, I know that it’s not easy to keep your nerve in stressful everyday life and that you can get a little louder from time to time. The good news is that you can work on this with hypnosis. Calmness and serenity are very good goals for hypnosis). Through this “permanent hypnosis”, everything that is said (even if it is meant ironically) goes directly into the child’s subconscious. There the words have the same effect as suggestions, regardless of whether they are positive or negative.
The CF is not fully mature until around the age of 12. Until then, children / teenagers are still in a constant, light, permanent trance. You should therefore be careful, e.g. which movies are watched (scary movies etc.). There is a reason for the age restrictions on DVDs (0, 6, 12, 16 & 18).
Until the age of 13, the child (or teenager) is energetically connected to the mother. For this reason, mirror themes also occur.
Mirror themes are themes that are usually unnoticed by the parents. These are then mirrored by the child and the parents wonder why the child suddenly displays such behavior. It is therefore advisable for parents to first clear up their own issues and reflect on them or have them checked to see whether the child’s issue is not their own. Mirror issues dissolve once the issue has been resolved with the parents. As this is also not the child’s own issue, hypnosis is of little or no use to the child at this point and will not bring the desired result.