Worth knowing animal communication


Animals can also lie (for their own protection):

  • E.g. animal hurts paw
  • Nothing visible on the outside
  • Animal is afraid of the vet
  • Therefore conceals pain
  • When asked if it is in pain, it lies to avoid the vet

Mirror themes:

  • The animal mirrors the owner’s behaviour (but the owner is not always aware of this)
  • Animal keeps repeating a behaviour that was not there before
  • Animal shows behavioural abnormalities


Can animals lie? And what are mirror subjects?

Yes, animals can actually lie. They usually do so out of self-protection. For example: If an animal is in pain, for example in its paw, but nothing can be seen on the outside, it may deliberately conceal the fact that it is in pain out of fear of the vet. It is therefore “lying” to avoid having to go to the vet. It is therefore essential to always seek veterinary or veterinary practice advice in the event of behavioral changes or problems to ensure that your pet is well.

Mirror issues:

Another common reason why people make use of animal communication is so-called mirror issues. The animal unconsciously mirrors the behavior or emotions of its owner. People are often not even aware that their animal is mirroring them and so the changes in the animal’s behavior are not noticed at first.

The animal suddenly shows behavior that was not there before, or it appears strikingly different. For example: a cat that used to love to play suddenly loses interest in doing so. The reason could be that its owner is going through a difficult phase – perhaps after a separation. Instead of being active, the human spends their days in bed, eating unhealthily, scrolling through social media for hours on end and trying to numb their sadness. This mood is transferred to the cat, who mirrors the behavior.

How do I recognize and resolve a mirror issue?

If you notice that your pet is suddenly reacting differently or behaving unusually, there could be a mirror issue behind it. The key often lies within yourself: Once you begin to reflect on your own situation and make positive changes in your life, your pet’s behavior will also return to normal.

Would you like to find out more about how animals mirror us and how you can use this connection to help you both? Animal communication can give you valuable insights.

Why animal communication?

  • Deeper connection: Understand what your animal is trying to tell you.
  • Recognize mirror themes: Recognize how your own behavior affects your pet.
  • Growing together: Create positive changes for you and your pet.

Are you ready to better understand your pet’s language? Then book an animal communication session.

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