Children’s sports hypnosis - From Blackout to the winner’s podium
Mindset work in childhood: hypnosis as the key to sporting success
Do you have a sports-loving child who only thinks about the next training session / the next sports session all day long and talks about nothing else? Is something missing in their life without sport? Your child also loves sports at school, gets top marks, but is looked at stupidly by their classmates because they not only achieve top performances in school sports, but also outside of school, in sports clubs? Cups, medals and trophies adorn the children’s room. Everything is going as it should, your child is always at the front of the pack in competitions, until one day. The day when your child’s sporting career will slowly but surely go down the drain if you don’t take action.
The turning point: when sport becomes a burden
You pick your child up from a competition, or perhaps you were there when you realized that something was wrong. Your suspicions are confirmed because your child comes running towards you crying and can’t make a sound. You calm them down first and then ask gently and sensitively what has happened. Still upset, they tell you that they lost the competition or were disqualified because they had a total blackout. Nothing of what he had trained, practiced and rehearsed for years could be recalled. And so it began. The downward spiral. Before every training session, you can now hear that your child is afraid to go to training because they are scared of how the other children and the coach will react. Word has already gotten around that nothing was going to work that day. Your child is now starting to feel less and less confident step by step. This doesn’t just affect the new things they learn in training, but also things that are already so deeply anchored in their subconscious that you could wake them up at 3 a.m. and everything would go smoothly. So your child loses more and more self-confidence and self-assurance with every training session.
The pressure is growing
Due to the constant pressure of expectations and performance from outside (e.g. from teachers, coaches and perhaps also from you parents), your protégé has now increasingly expressed that they want to stop doing the sport they actually love. Horror scenarios are running through his head when he thinks about going to the next competition. Statements like “Mum, please withdraw me from the sports club, I can’t do it anymore!”, “I’m not good enough for it anyway…!” Or “I don’t trust myself to do this, even though I can actually do it…. What’s wrong with me!” tug at your heartstrings as you realize how important sport is in your child’s life. Without sport, something is missing that can’t be replaced so easily. The constant thoughts of your protégé about possible “horror scenarios” such as losing in a competition or, even worse, being disqualified, even though none of this has happened, don’t leave you cold either.
A familiar scenario: fear of failure
Perhaps you know the following situation all too well. Your child wakes up in a cold sweat the night before an important exam because they have just woken up from a nightmare in which they have suffered a complete blackout, even though they have prepared so long and hard for this one day. It’s even worse when the nightmare then becomes reality and one of the most important days becomes one of the worst days because you feel like a complete failure.
You get help for yourself and your child in the form of extra training sessions with an external trainer. Maybe a nutrition coach too, as you know that our food can also affect our physical and mental state. You have experts such as sports doctors look at it, but none of this will really bring your child back to the level you would like. The downward spiral of low self-esteem will not and will not end.
The way out: children’s sports hypnosis
But it doesn’t have to come to this…! If you recognize the signals in time, you can prevent or counteract the whole thing.
Child-oriented hypnosis techniques help to restore your child’s self-confidence in no time at all and give them back the joy of sport.
Areas of application for children’s sports hypnosis
Hypnosis can help with just about any sport.
For example with:
- Martial arts e.g.: Judo, Aikido, Taekwondo, Jujitsu, Karate
- Climbing and bouldering
- Archery
- Ball sports e.g: Golf, tennis, basketball, soccer, handball, volleyball
- Horse riding
- Dancing
- Gymnastics
- Swimming and synchronized swimming
- Figure skating
- Etc.
My expertise: support from experience
With my many years of experience as a volunteer judo coach, I know exactly what challenges young athletes face and how best to help them. I myself was a proud judoka for many years and am now an active aikidoka. Other sporting activities such as bouldering / climbing, skiing etc. were also part of my hobbies. That’s why I know the challenges that can arise in the course of sporting activities. I went through some challenging moments myself, but afterwards I came out stronger and more confident because I was able to prove to myself that I could do it.
Testimonials and success stories
Dear Larissa, we are very happy to have found you. We noticed positive changes after the very first session and were able to consolidate them with the help of the exercises. Now, 2 weeks after the second session, I finally have “my child” back. He is once again carefree, happy and open in his general communication and his feelings. We certainly still need some time to consolidate it “as a whole” and are making another appointment for this. Everyone knows that when it comes to your own children, you quickly become insecure, scared or have other negative feelings. The step to work with you Larissa was exactly the right one and I am glad that I listened to my gut feeling before we got into completely different waters. 1000 thanks for your help and see you soon. Lg Alexandra
Satisfied mother
Time to act
It is important to take action in and actively work on your child’s goals.
With children’s sports hypnosis, your child can regain their self-confidence and continue their sporting career with joy and confidence.
So, take action today and support your young athlete with their goals and enable them to get the best out of themselves!
I look forward to helping your little athlete!
Alexandra Loewe1. Juni, 2024Trustindex überprüft, ob die Originalquelle der Bewertung Google ist. Wir arbeiten seit bald einem Jahr mit Larissa zusammen und sind sehr begeistert. Wir haben uns für unseren Sohn, nachdem Schulmedizinisch abgeklärt war, dass es sich bei seinen Themen nicht um physisches handelt nach einer Möglichkeit gesucht, ihn zu unterstützen. Wenn man sich einmal mit dem Themen Über- und Unterbewusstsein beschäftigt, klingt das alles total logisch. Larissa ist ein absolut emphatischer Mensch und kann sehr gut mit Kindern umgehen. Ich denke das Thema Hypnose ist vor allem durch Filme negativ behaftet und ich kann nur sagen, so wie im Film läuft es zumindest bezüglich den von Larissa bei unserem Sohn angewandten Techniken, definitiv nicht ab. Kinder sind glücklicherweise hier noch total offen. Die Übungen die wir mit an die Hand bekommen haben sind auch äußerst kindgerecht und dazu noch sehr schön. Wir machen Sie total gerne. Ich kann es wirklich nur empfehlen sich für das Thema aufzumachen und sich an Larissa zu wenden.Google Gesamtbewertung 5.0 von 5, basierend auf 1 Bewertungen