Children’s sleep hypnosis - Goodbye sleepless nights
Mommy … !!!
“MOOOMMYYY!!!!! There’s a monster in my wardrobe!!!!!”
“MOOOMMYYY!!!! I can’t sleep!!!!”
“MOOOMMYYY!!! I have to pee!!!”
“MOOOMMYYY!! I’m hot / cold!”
“MOOOMMYYY! Where is Schnuffi (my favorite plushi)?”
“Mommy? Can I go to bed with you / sleep with you tonight?”
Pure despair
“What’s wrong again? I’ve only been back in my bed for half a minute… We’ve only just banished all the monsters and activated the protective stones… Oh no, now the little one is coming into my room again / and wants to go to bed with me.”. Do these sentences sound familiar? Or do you have similar thoughts?
You hear sentences from your friends like: “My child sleeps in his own bed and sleeps through the night. I can sleep peacefully and get a good night’s rest.”
Fiddlesticks, you’re probably thinking. My child doesn’t sleep through the night, always wants to sleep in my bed and not in his own. He doesn’t sleep through the night either, is afraid of the monsters in the room and is constantly plagued by nightmares…
Solutions without success
You first try monster spray / sleep spray, regular bedtimes, not eating too late, etc. The doctor can’t find anything abnormal either.
This can no longer be just a phase…!
But everything you have already tried has usually only worked for a short time or has had no success at all. None of this helps! I must finally take action, because things definitely can’t go on like this. The child has to go to nursery/school in the morning and I have to be fit at work too… These or very similar thoughts probably run through your head every day. And now? Let me tell you, there is still hope.
Tips that can help even before hypnosis:
- Blue wall paint (has a calming effect)
- Lavender oil (has a relaxing effect)
- Amethyst under the pillow
- Monster spray / sleep spray
- Dream catcher
- Regulated bedtimes
- Good bed and good mattress
- Dark, properly tempered and quiet room
- No screens before sleep
- Do not eat too late
- Respect the circadian rhythm
- Read a book
- Sing
(Counting sheep usually does nothing, but rather has the opposite effect, rather tell a story about a walk on the beach etc., i.e. something calming)
Glimmer of hope: the solution
Desperate but with a last glimmer of hope, you search the internet and come across child hypnosis. You read up on the subject and then probably think to yourself, “Why didn’t I find this before? But is it really as “quick and easy” as everyone claims?
I’ve had children with exactly the same problem. After a few hypnosis sessions, the child slept like a baby again. Of course, every child is different, which is why I can’t and won’t make any promises, but I can say from experience that every child’s sleep has improved noticeably so far.
Testimonials and success stories
Dear Larissa, we are very happy to have found you. We noticed positive changes after the very first session and were able to consolidate them with the help of the exercises. Now, 2 weeks after the second session, I finally have “my child” back. He is once again carefree, happy and open in his general communication and his feelings. We certainly still need some time to consolidate it “as a whole” and are making another appointment for this. Everyone knows that when it comes to your own children, you quickly become insecure, scared or have other negative feelings. The step to work with you Larissa was exactly the right one and I am glad that I listened to my gut feeling before we got into completely different waters. 1000 thanks for your help and see you soon. Lg Alexandra
Satisfied mother
Take the first step towards restful sleep
Take action as early as possible so that your child can sleep soundly again and you can finally get up in the morning full of energy and vigor. Book a free introductory meeting where you (your better half) and your child can get to know me, ask me any questions you may have and we can see together whether and, if so, how I can best help you with your individual challenges. (While getting to know each other, I can also explain to your child what we are going to do in a child-friendly way so that they understand). You can of course also skip this step and book hypnosis directly (from experience, however, it is better for children if they already know what to expect, who I am, etc.). This also usually increases the success of the session and reduces the costs for you).
I look forward to helping you achieve a restful and peaceful sleep experience!
Alexandra Loewe1. Juni, 2024Trustindex überprüft, ob die Originalquelle der Bewertung Google ist. Wir arbeiten seit bald einem Jahr mit Larissa zusammen und sind sehr begeistert. Wir haben uns für unseren Sohn, nachdem Schulmedizinisch abgeklärt war, dass es sich bei seinen Themen nicht um physisches handelt nach einer Möglichkeit gesucht, ihn zu unterstützen. Wenn man sich einmal mit dem Themen Über- und Unterbewusstsein beschäftigt, klingt das alles total logisch. Larissa ist ein absolut emphatischer Mensch und kann sehr gut mit Kindern umgehen. Ich denke das Thema Hypnose ist vor allem durch Filme negativ behaftet und ich kann nur sagen, so wie im Film läuft es zumindest bezüglich den von Larissa bei unserem Sohn angewandten Techniken, definitiv nicht ab. Kinder sind glücklicherweise hier noch total offen. Die Übungen die wir mit an die Hand bekommen haben sind auch äußerst kindgerecht und dazu noch sehr schön. Wir machen Sie total gerne. Ich kann es wirklich nur empfehlen sich für das Thema aufzumachen und sich an Larissa zu wenden.Google Gesamtbewertung 5.0 von 5, basierend auf 1 Bewertungen